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- Maine Licensed Architect
- Member of AIA, The American Institute of Architects
- Legacy LEED AP credentialed
- NCARB certificate holder
- Founding board member of Portland Society for Architecture
- Member of NESEA, Northeast Sustainable Energy Association
- Award winning designer
- AIA Maine Design Awards 2008
- AIA Maine Ideas Competition 2009
- Magna Cum Laude graduate of Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, MA
- Speaking engagements
- University of Maine “Sustainable Practices” lecture series
- Friends of the Eastern Promenade Annual Meeting 2010
- Pecha Kucha Night Portland – Kevin presented his photography in the inaugural PKNP in October 2007
- Selected for inclusion in the curated exhibition “Architect as Artist /Artist as Architect” at The Harlow Gallery, Hallowell Maine.
- Adjunct Professor and Design Review guest critic in the architecture program at The University of Maine, Augusta
- Linkedin profile
about KMA